Worldwide, more and more value is attached to corporate social responsibility. In all industries and sectors, companies strive to contribute to a sustainable and fair world, the meeting industry is certainly no exception. Are you curious about the latest CSR trends and developments in this sector? View the infographic!

Corporate social responsibility can no longer be ignored in business. Not only companies, but also consumers are increasingly concerned with this. Google Trends shows that search terms such as 'Climate' and 'CSR' are being searched for more and more often. In fact, the term 'CO2' has been Googled twice as often in the past 5 years.

Figures from Statistics Netherlands show that companies are responsible for 77,8% of CO2 emissions in the Netherlands. Fortunately, there are more and more organizations that focus on Climate Neutral Entrepreneurship by offsetting their CO2 emissions. This can be done, for example, by investing in sustainable energy projects. This not only ensures lower CO2 emissions, but also contributes to employment, health care and education of the local population.

#3 would like to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable world, which is why it is possible to climate neutral meeting when you book through us. Green balance has made a calculation of the CO2 emissions per meeting. These emissions are compensated by making a small contribution per person. This will be invested in the sustainable energy project: Cook Stoves in Rwanda. In the first quarter of 2019, 31 tons of CO2 have already been compensated with Climate Neutral Meetings.

Just like for roses, lavender and hydrangeas, coffee grounds also work well as a breeding ground for mushrooms. The soil is full of nutrients that mushrooms need. In addition to growing new plants on coffee grounds, there are also initiatives to process coffee waste into new combustible wood substitutes, such as bio-bean. The coffee grounds pallets/ briquettes are made in the United Kingdom. Each block consists of coffee grounds from 25 cups of coffee, they burn 20% hotter and longer than normal wood and generate 80% less emissions than if coffee grounds ended up in a landfill.

Collectively, we use a minimum of 36,4 billion straws every year in Europe. Enough to put a line of plastic straws around the earth every two days. Unfortunately, it takes 100.000 years for a plastic straw to decompose. In the meantime, one million seabirds and XNUMX marine animals die every year from ingesting plastic. There are several initiatives to find a solution for disposable plastic straws. There are straws made of bamboo, paper, glass, metal and also straw straws.

Green Key is the international quality mark for sustainable companies in the recreation, leisure and business markets. Companies with a Green Key quality mark do everything they can to save the environment, without sacrificing comfort and quality for their guests. They go a step further than the normal laws and regulations require. An increasing number meeting locations are certified with the Green Key Award. Of the 56 countries where the certificate is issued, the Netherlands has the most Green Key certificate holders. There are 700 Green Key certified locations in the Netherlands.

Will your meetings be climate neutral from now on?

All locations on our website can be booked climate neutral. Haven't found the ideal location yet? Then our Meeting Experts will be happy to help you. Contact us by email at [email protected] or call 0800 – 250 60 60 free of charge.

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