In the middle of society

We take our social responsibility by pursuing an ambitious CSR policy, taking concrete steps and being transparent. We report annually and publish our CSR policy on the MVO Register platform and ISO26000. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a compass to guide our policies and efforts.

Our contribution to the
Sustainable Development Goals

Would you like to know more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Click here

As an intermediary, we are in the middle of the meeting industry. We are also in the middle of society. We believe that we should try every day to make a positive contribution for a better world. For this we look at the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We are convinced that we must take our responsibility to pass on the world sustainably to the next generation.

Fair work is about everyone being able to find work with good working conditions and a salary that makes it possible to make ends meet. Economic growth is an increase in the production and sale of goods and services. In the context of this SDG, it is about economic growth in which the environment & climate and the health of employees are not burdened or affected.

We offer internships to pupils and students from various study programs and institutions. From HBO graduation internships and master's theses at the University, to MBO year 1 to sniffing internships for secondary school students. The internships are aimed at providing practical experience and preparing young people for the labor market. Every year we offer approximately 10 internships.

Purchasing and partnership with SMEs
We are a small and medium-sized company ourselves, which makes us extra aware. We see the importance of local partnerships and thus a fair distribution of profit within the chain. That is why we work with local SMEs for our ICT hosting, workplace design and food & drinks. That is good for the local economy, fair opportunities on the market, and because of the short distance from A to B, the environmental impact is minimal.

Great Place To Work
Great Place To Work examines the level of trust, pride and fun within an organization. They conduct employee surveys based on an independent Trust Index™. The Trust Index™ measures five universal values ​​that determine the extent to which people can get the best out of themselves. These values ​​are: credibility, respect, honesty, pride and camaraderie.

In March 2022 we were re-certified as Great Place To Work with a response of 100% and a total score of 91%, we have once again achieved the designation of being a good employer!

Code Responsible Market Conduct
The Code of Responsible Market Behavior appeals to the morale of clients and contractors, hirers, trade unions and intermediaries to place, accept and carry out assignments in a socially responsible manner and with respect for the quality of the service. In this way, this code provides an impulse to improve the outsourcing and insourcing policy of the Netherlands.

We have signed the Code. At least we use the general principles as mentioned on the website of Code Responsible Market Behavior.

Reducing inequality is about giving everyone in society a fair chance at decent work and self-development. Naturally, this goes hand in hand with fair & equal pay and realistic working hours and conditions that may or may not be adapted for employees with a disability or who otherwise need it.

UWV Employer Service Point (WSP)
We actively cooperate with employer service point Amersfoort (WSP). We share vacancies with our regular contact person and can regularly be found at Meet & Greets organized by the WSP. This way we can meet potential, future employees who are at a distance from the labor market. This is how we try to fill our vacancies and facilitate work experience placements.

Partner of The Normalest Case
We have been since 2015 partner of The Normalest Business. De Normaalste Zaak is a network of more than 700 SME entrepreneurs and large employers. All partners of De Normaalste Zaak share the ambition: 'Growing into an inclusive organization in which people who were (formerly) at a distance from the labor market form a full part.'

No youth wages
Since 2022 we no longer work with youth wages, which means that everyone earns the skilled adult minimum wage when they are employed by us. We do this because we believe that regardless of your age you should earn the same as your (older) colleagues who do the same job.

Sustainable production and consumption is about the smart and efficient use of raw materials, so that the pressure on the environment is reduced and the dependence on raw materials is reduced. This means, for example, recycling, repairing and reusing items and preventing waste.

Climate neutral office
We are also aware of our impact at our office, whether it concerns large or small steps. Our work processes have been fully digitized in recent years, we purchase responsibly, we separate our waste in 100% recyclable waste bins, are located in a Green Key Gold location and with the signing of the Dopper Wave, plastic bottles are not welcome at our office. In addition to ensuring that our emissions remain as low as possible, we ultimately compensate our CO2 residual emissions via Green Balance. That makes our office 100% climate neutral!

Sustainable purchasing
To buy means to consume. The question then is: does responsible consumption exist? Because: not consuming = always better for the world. After all, everything that is not produced does not consume any raw materials and does not produce any waste. At the same time, as an individual, but also as an organization, it is vital (literally) to continue to consume. And that is why we want to do this as responsibly as possible. This means purchasing as much as possible from (local) SMEs and purchasing as much as possible from sustainably certified organisations.

This SDG is aimed at tackling the man-made climate crisis. The Paris Agreement was reached in 2015, which aims to reduce climate change and its adverse effects. The effects of climate change pose a threat to people and nature. In short: We must do something before it is too late!

We offset our CO2 emissions
Since 2018 we offer 'climate neutral meetings' on our booking platform We do this in collaboration with Groenbalans. Because we are based on the principle of 'practice what you preach', our own office has been completely climate neutral since 2019.

To get there, we first mapped out our CO2 emissions. We then reduced this as much as possible and we offset the emissions that remain.

We joined the Dopper Wave!
We signed the Dopper Wave. Because of this we promise:

1. No more disposable water bottles to use
2. Always drink tap water whenever possible
3. Always bring your reusable bottle with you
4. Inspire others to join the Dopper Wave

These small, simple, everyday actions prevent large amounts of single-use plastic from ending up in our oceans. We are not a lonely drop, but part of a wave of change. Together with nearly 750 other organizations and thousands of individuals, we are going to turn the tide!

CSR on the agenda
Our economic, social and societal connection with the market, our customers, our guests, our colleagues, our affiliated location partners, our suppliers and all our other relations inspires us to socially, socially and responsibly do business. CSR is therefore always on the agenda in discussions with stakeholders! In this way we continue to talk to about sustainable, social and fair business. This is how we inspire them and they inspire us.

Our inspiration platform
In 2022 we will have developed the inspiration platform. We bring innovative sustainable solutions together on one platform and inspire Hotels & Meeting Centers in the Netherlands to make their activities more sustainable. On our CSR platform, Dutch innovative and sustainable entrepreneurs show that sustainability is possible. And… it inspires. By sustainability we mean; reducing CO2 emissions, combating waste, participating in the circular economy, fair entrepreneurship, social return and broad social responsibility that organizations can take.

Our mission? Making meetings more sustainable and thus making an impact on a better world!

Green Meeting DEAL
The Green Meeting DEAL gives companies and organizations direct tools to reduce the CO2 footprint of all their meetings. Based on the insight into the meeting costs and CO2 footprint, a reduction & compensation plan is drawn up to organize all business meetings in a climate-neutral way. With the largest selection of sustainable Green Key locations and insight into the sustainability performance of connected locations, we guarantee CO2 reduction for meetings.

The residual CO2 is then compensated with certified CO2 rights from sustainable energy, forest conservation or energy efficiency projects in developing countries. These are projects with long-term benefits for local communities by creating more employment and improving the quality of health care and education. Groenbalans Nederland makes this possible for us.

Knowing more? Visit

Our (recent) CSR initiatives

Onemeeting underlines CSR policy by achieving EcoVadis Silver

EcoVadis assesses the CSR policy of organizations internationally and independently on 21 indicators within four themes: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchasing. By achieving the Silver rating, Onemeeting belongs to the global top 25% of more than 90.000 assessed companies.

Meetings Making Sustainable Together

As a Meeting Expert, we have set up a CSR Movement to 'Make Meetings Sustainable Together'. We bring innovative sustainable solutions together on one platform and inspire Hotels & Meeting Centers in the Netherlands to make their activities more sustainable. On the new CSR platform, Dutch, inventive and sustainable entrepreneurs show that sustainability is possible.

Dopper Wave & Onemeeting

With the Dopper Wave we want to inspire people and organizations to make changes in their daily lives that have a big impact: cleaner oceans. We are super proud that together with Onemeeting we are making single use plastic free meetings the new standard. With this we inspire not only all 1600 locations that are on Onemeeting, but also all 400.000 guests

Proud partner of Ronald McDonald Children's Fund

We have been a proud partner of the Ronald McDonald Children's Fund since 2013. Every year, good amounts are raised through various activities within our organization. The Children's Fund has been ensuring that sick children and their families can be close to each other for 35 years. Parents are better able to care for their sick child when they are close by.

Onemeeting and double have joined forces to transform the meeting & event industry with the launch of Plastic-free Meetings. This new, turnkey concept for locations stems from their shared mission to combat plastic pollution and create a more sustainable future for the meetings industry – without packaged water.

Dopper Water tap
A crucial element of Plastic-free Meetings is the combination with the Dopper Water Tap, an innovative solution that offers a sustainable alternative to packaged water during meetings & events. The Dopper Water Tap is designed to make refilling reusable bottles the norm and change the behavior of both guests and tap owners. Nudging, a motivation technique in which positive rewards stimulate behavioral change, is used via the specially designed drop-shaped LED screen. Each tapping moment gives the user direct insight into their own positive impact via the screen. Making refilling the water bottle a unique and fun experience encourages repetition.

Connect your location? Which can! We would like to get in touch to make as many meeting locations as possible plastic-free and to join our mission!

Want to know more?

Would you like to join our mission?

As part of The Onemeeting Company, we are a proactive partner of sustainable and social initiatives

One meeting CSR partner - SDG Netherlands
Onemeeting CSR partner - Great place to work
One meeting CSR partner - The Dopper Wave
Onemeeting CSR partner - Stichting MVO register
One meeting CSR partner - Wcare
One meeting CSR partner - CSR Netherlands
Onemeeting CSR partner - Ecovadis Sustainability Rating
Onemeeting CSR partner - Recognized training company
One meeting CSR partner - Ronald McDonald Children's Fund
One meeting CSR partner - NEN
One meeting CSR partner -
One meeting CSR partner - Green Key
Onemeeting CSR partner - Code responsible market conduct
Onemeeting CSR partner - Employers Service Point
Onemeeting CSR partner - 100% climate neutral

Knowing more? Visit

Your business meetings always organize climate neutral?

You can do that with us! We help you search, compare, book and manage locations for all types of meetings. Our Green Meeting DEAL makes it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and the costs of meetings. 100% climate neutral meetings are only possible with us. Want to know more?

Climate neutral meetings

we love
green meetings