I think the truest resemblance is to a butterfly. We were in our cocoon. We pupated. Vulnerable and tender, all that novelty that has yet to find its form, we kept anxiously silent. No one else noticed. Until today. What a day! Festive, beautiful, cheerful 🙂 We meet the light again, spread our wings. We feel reborn!


Why?, you wonder. Well… Today is the grande finale of our metamorphosis. For months we worked with heart and soul on our new being. And like all good things, it didn't come in vain. Although it was always in us, we only had to grab it, the search for the core of our existence was one over unpaved roads.


The main conclusion of that introspection? We are a family with a healthy obsession with perfection. If family together we work together on heartwarming, unforgettable encounters, where you experience the wonderful feeling of being at home. That's exactly what our new pay-off explains. That is why we are Onemeeting.com – HOME of MEETINGS.


How far back do you have to go to get to the core? Are you going back at all? Or is every step you take one step forward? A new website, house style, visual language and a new pay-off. We have scrutinized our entire being. And as the butterfly was once a caterpillar, we needed every phase to flutter in celebration today. We are ready to continue our magnificent journey. As a family together, in which everyone has their own warm place.


After all, it's all about people. They are why we do what we do. To let them come to their best advantage. Let them bloom, shine. It is precisely in a digital society that the value of a physical meeting is so powerful. That's why everything we do is aimed at letting the energy flow, letting go. To create harmony and to be a particle accelerator. We are cordially connected with you, our beloved guest. You complete our family. That is why we go all-in for the smile you take home after a flawlessly organized meeting.


Of course we have an inspiring range of locations worldwide. Naturally, all practical matters are arranged down to the last detail. But we make the real difference with our hospitality. Whatever your wish, ours Meeting experts are ready to help you find the perfect location. Because we bring people together, worldwide, and we want to exceed your expectations in everything. Hospitality is our new Gold. I wish you peaceful encounters, gatherings and collaborations. Welcome to Onemeeting.com – HOME of MEETINGS.

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Luc van Bussel, Chief Hospitality Officer Onemeeting.com.