Thousands of training courses are facilitated at the affiliated locations every year. We were very curious about the topics the coaches come across. What turned out? The subjects vary enormously and we were even surprised at some training sessions that there is enthusiasm for it. That is why we have listed the top 5 craziest workouts for you.

1. Lying for beginners
It exists! Lying for beginners. Adults are good at making up a lie for their own good, but in this course you will be taught to apply more fantasy to your lie. You never know when it might come in handy.

2. Talking to animals
Are you curious what your animal has to say? Then talking to animals is the solution. The course communicating with animals teaches you everything about what the animal thinks, feels and what it has to say. During the course, contact with the animals is made via telepathy. Telepathy is the language that everyone understands, communicating from your feelings. Animals are very sensitive to this way of communicating, which makes it possible to talk to them.

3.Outdoor games workshop
We already knew that today's youth is increasingly indoors and playing games on the iPad.
But that it is so bad that there are even training courses to teach children to play outside, that is new. With this workshop, children learn to deal with the outside world in a challenging way.

4. Become a Belgian supporter workshop
Unfortunately, there was no World Cup football this year for the Netherlands. But luckily we still had our neighbours. During this workshop you will learn where the best football parties are, the Belgian national anthem and which clothes a real Red Devil wears.

5.Workshop learning to travel by public transport
Traveling by public transport: for some people it is a pleasure, but some people are very apprehensive about going by train. Should you fall into the latter category? Then there is a practical course in which you learn how to travel without stress.

Are you organizing a training soon? On there are various training locations. For questions or comments, please call the toll-free number: [To Phone] or email to [email protected].