To ensure that your meeting runs effectively, we give 5 tips!

1. Determining purpose and result and the related topics
As you schedule the meeting, determine the topic and ultimate goal. Also let all invitees know, this increases the chance that the documents will be read. In addition, it is useful to determine the desired result for yourself and to share this with the group before the meeting.

2. Clear agenda
Create a clear agenda prior to the meeting. Make sure all attendees receive these in advance and ask them to prepare for them. This way you avoid ambiguities and often only a small introduction is needed before each topic. In addition, link a time limit to each agenda item, so that you prevent endless discussions about some points.

3. Good division of roles
Agree in advance who will be the chairman and who will take the minutes. It is also important that the chairman really possesses the qualities of a good chairman, such as goal-orientedness, the ability to summarize the opinions of others and decisiveness. The minute taker also has certain specific qualities, such as carefulness and alertness.

4. Take responsibility
Make sure it is clear who does what for each item on the agenda. Draw up action points. If everyone takes responsibility for an action point, the actions will be realized more quickly or it will become clear who has failed to do so. Or take no responsibility.
If you place all action points with a person, they will often not be able to carry them out properly. Therefore, make a division and do not hesitate to take your responsibility. You will see that if you successfully complete an action point, it will give you satisfaction.

5. Keep it short and concise, leave details for what they are
The art of meetings is to keep it short and concise. On important issues on which everyone has an opinion, it is important to lead the discussion well in a way that does justice to everyone's opinion and to summarize this succinctly.

In addition to these 5 tips, it always works well to go out meetings! Choose an inspiring one location on the water, a museum or a beautiful estate. You will see that the new environment is inspiring!