It's winter time. It's already dark early! And… it's only November. Now that the temperatures are dropping and it rains more often, an autumn dip is lurking. So it is now extra important to stay energetic! Even during a meeting. That is why in this blog we give 3 tips for a fresh and extra constructive meeting, even in November!

Make a clear plan

Did you know that the average Dutch person meets for 6,5 hours a week? And those hours are not always productive. Do you recognize that moment when you think: I don't think this is going anywhere. What am I still doing here? Are we now completing time? Waste of time you could spend on other things. But how do you prevent this from happening? The answer is simple: make a clear plan! Set goals and objectives for the meeting. Create an agenda and link a time limit to each topic. This way you get to the core faster and you can be sure that no time is wasted!

Be selective when inviting

So many people, so many opinions. The same goes for a meeting. Everyone has their own insights and views things from their own perspective. Very nice, of course, but it is not always necessary to hear the opinions of all your colleagues in order to make the right decision. Therefore, only invite the necessary people to your meeting. This way you avoid the risk that your subject will 'stick' and you can reach a decision more easily and quickly.

Go for an inspiring environment

A walk in the woods (if it doesn't rain in November) can do wonders for inspiration. Sometimes being outside of your normal work environment is enough for a creative approach or the release of a good conversation. But also one inspiring location can contribute to good ideas. View over the water? In a castle or right the center of the city? It may just be the right perspective for a fresh, constructive meeting!

Need help finding the perfect location for your meeting? Then please contact us Meeting experts!